Friday, September 30, 2011


Okay, so I'm sorry about the post this morning. I wanted to tell you guys about my sister and how she had the robotic demon baby for an assignment. But I was too tired. So now I will(:
You know the stupid little babies you get from the school in highschool to learn what it would be like with a baby, right? Well, the school me and my sister go to are giving them out at 8th grade.. and these babies don't even work right. If the baby cries you are supposed to put a magnetic key (that they give you) in its back and it will let you feed/change/rock/burp it. This baby never beeped.. all night long my sister could not get it to stop, could not even get it to beep. So, she stuck it in the basement and let it cry all night. She'll have an F for the assignment but the house got a whole 3 hours of sleep. I guess it worked out.

Need Sleep...

I hate robot babies....

more to come on this subject later.... going to try and get some sleep.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Is it fall yet???

First of all, I want to make this known, 9-24 through 10-1 is banned books week. Pick up a book and read it, regardless if its a banned book or not. There aren't enough people who read. It gives you knowledge and helps induce ideas that you wouldn't know you could even have! Sorry, I'll stop on the lecture.
Anyway! I can't wait for it to be fall! The leaves, the pumpkins, apple cider, the scarves and jackets. And ecspecially Halloween. I don't know what I'll be for halloween but I'm soo excited.(: Till I get some sketches up.

Monday, September 12, 2011

School and Spongebob

Spongebob is bad? I never watched the show, its too much for me. But according to this study Spongebob Squarepants is bad for children. Why didn't they figure this out a long time ago? How come they're figuring this out instead of finding the cure to, you know, cancer? or AIDs?
Anyway, school is driving me crazy! I have so much homework (I should be doing that, but I need a break) Most of it is math though :/ so ICK!
I'll try to post all that I can. First performance on Saturday!

Monday, September 5, 2011

And so it begins again...

645 days until I am officially done with high school(: I really can't wait. High school has been a terrible time for me. The only thing looking up for me is the fact that my relationship is doing great. Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do today. Last day of summer, and I have nothing to do. It is weird to think 3 months  of my life is really gone that fast. Next summer I want to be able to say its been the best summer of my life. Hopefully I can get there.
Now I'm working on a short story, I'll put part of it up here later.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

School Time♥

I am so excited to get to go back to school! I know most teens break out in hives when they hear the first syllable, but I'm excited. I have Journalism this year and I really can't wait! It is so exciting that I have a chance to get a peak at a future career for myself. I don't know if I've mentioned it, I'm planning on going to the local community school for a regular degree and then I plan on going for journalism/creative writing/english. Its alot, but I love learning about our language (I'll probably pick up another language too) and everything that comes with it. When I was in kindergarten I had a reading level of 12th grade♥ Its hard to think that I'm a Junior this year. Its nice(: