Friday, March 30, 2012

What the what?

I am now enrolled in a photography class(: And I have basically decided on photography being my minor in college. Here are some of the pictures I took the other day (good and bad).


Monday, March 19, 2012


I know this sounds weird but what influences me when I'm completely and utterly confused with my writing is window (or screen) shopping. I will shop through my favorite stores online, it gives me a fresh perspective and it gives me a whole new inspiration. 
I just created a polyvore account and for you guys I'm going to put together 3 looks that I would wear(:

Spring has Sprung

Trip to NY

Date Night


Friday, March 2, 2012


Well I'm back! I'm sorry for my mini hiatus. My laptop crashed and won't even turn on now :( So this is from my desktop computer at home!
Now since my laptop crashed I don't have much for you right now except I'm going to show you a couple of sketch/drawings I did for free on so that I can open my own store :3

Both were done completely by hand in my sketchbook. Yes I'm still learning, go ahead and judge/critique if you want. I know they aren't amazing but I am proud of them(: