Friday, July 29, 2011


Hi(: Yep posting everyday: didn't happen, but I remembered today! So I have a bunch of pictures I took while redong my room, sadly... a lot of them are of my cat. I'll still post what I can.
I've been getting ready for band camp and school. Its not even August first.... FML
Oh well, My objective for tomorrow: Make cupcakes, and take a picture of everything I have for camp and post it for you(:


Monday, July 18, 2011


Ahhh(: Vacation, Its the best part of the year. Ecspecially when you get to spend it with loved ones(: I went and saw Harry Potter today with my family, I loved it(: but what do you expect from a nerd like me? Next post I think I'm going to post "confessions/truths" about me. Let you get to know me better, till then...

Friday, July 15, 2011


So its friday and my weekend plans are to go to my grandmothers house. I'm only a tad bit lame(: promise.
Anyway, I probably won't be near the internet until monday, soo this is my weekend post. I have nothing to talk about today...  So pictures.


Thursday, July 14, 2011


So I figured out how to put a picture up(: I'm a little slow. I'll be putting up more pictures now that I know how to.
The one thing that I am super excited for: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2. I know its what everyone is talking about, but I mean seriously- we've watched them grow up, Daniel Radcliffe is 22 on saturday. There aren't many movies that do that.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Love, Books, and Music♥

Good Morning(: I don't know why I'm up so late/early (I haven't gone to bed yet). ♥ I love this song(: Its sung by Ariana Grande and Graham Phillips. I've been listening to this song quite a bit actually, I don't know why.
I cannot wait for Cassandra Clare's new book Clockwork Prince to come out. I love all of her books, shes my favortite author... anyway, I'm getting side-tracked(:
Pictures up tomorrow hopefully.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Rain, Rain Go away...

So its thunderstorms and 70 degrees. I am finally okay with the summer weather.
Anyway, looks like in two weeks I will be going on vacation along with redoing my room. I will post before and after pictures(: I have had the same room(nothing has changed) for 7-8 years, so I am very glad that I finally get to change it.
Now a job for you:
follow the link and add the [delete] digital drama campaign. I think its a brialliant idea, so many people I know, including my sister and me, have been victims of cyberbullying. Lets help to stop it.

♥Amor Lunae

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Garage Sales and Whatever

Today was the big park sale where my mom lives. There was some pretty cool stuff, and it made me think that I should go look at more garage sales. You never know the cool things you can find, I'd love to find an old dress thats just gorgeous. Maybe even some jewelry that someone doesn't know the real value of.
I'll be expirimenting with posting pictures in a couple days, I still don't have this all figured out... bear with me(:

♥Amor Lunae


How do you begin something? Let your personality shine through? Or keep it hidden? I'm not sure, but I'll figure it out(:
I'm Taylor, if you read my 'About Me' you'll learn that I'm in a serious relationship. You'll also learn I'm an artist of sorts. I'll probably leave you some of the peices I've created. I'm also an avid reader, I can read 500 pages in a day.
This is just the start, since its summer vacation for me I will attempt to post everyday, but no promises.

Amor Lunae♥