Monday, December 26, 2011

YA tourney

So the YA sisters are having another of their wonderful tournaments. This one for heroines, the female heros. My favorite heroines out of any book are the ones Miss Cassandra Clare have written. So if you get the chance to go vote or read a book, vote Team Tessa, Izzy, or Clary. And read either the Mortal Instruments series of the a infernal Devices series. Merry Christmas to you all!

YA tournament!! Vote team Tessa!

. Or just about any of the other characters created by Cassie Clare...That means Clary and Izzy!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Simply Having...

A Wonderful Christmas time! I wish wish wish I could give you guys a present! I just don't have much to offer. If you could give me any good ideas let me know! I want to find a way to give back to you guys for giving me something I never knew was there. Well let me know pleeasssee!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Pandora's little Box

The  Box
The story of Pandora's box from Greek myth is so interesting. Again a woman ruins the world. It sounds so much like the bible version of Adam and Eve, but with deviations. its crazy... My question is how do you get something like Pandora jewelry and Pandora radio out of this story. Pandora releases everything evil in the world - and hope. If anyone knows, please let me know!
I almost forgot to tell you guys about what I did this weekend! My grandparents took me and my sister to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Oh my gosh! I never ever thought fire and Christmas music would go together! Electric guitars(and violin) it all just fits together weirdly, I think it was the atmosphere, but I have never experienced something like that!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Holidaymas?

So, I'm really not religious, but I do celebrate Christmas and Easter, and all of the other Christan holidays and whatnot. What I don't understand is it offensive to say Merry Christmas? I understand not everyone in America celebrates Christmas, but a majority does. I don't understand why its such a big deal to people of other faiths. They can still Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanzaa. No one is stopping them from saying it. I sometimes wonder if America is too much of a melting pot. Anyway, thats it for tonite. Just wanted to get that out(:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It is WINTER! The snow makes me soooo happy, along with the Christmas music! (yes I'm a gleek;))

So here is a new image I've created in Photoshop(:

Anyway, I'm starting a new tektek shop on gaiaonline♥ Wish me luck!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Hello, lovelies(:

Today, I am a whole lot less stressed(: I don't have a bunch to stress out about anymore, and I'm excited for a little bit of freetime(:
its incredibly close, and I am soooo excited. The food, family, and overall good feeling of the holiday. Oh! and football(:
Anyway, I'll update more as soon as I finish my picture for you(: My new goal is one picture a week(: Be it a photograph, drwaing, or something photoshopped, I want something original for you guys

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away...

Bring me some snow!(:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Anniversaries, Sickness, and Reading

On Wednesday the 26, I had my one year anniversary with my boyfriend♥ I just have to say, he is one of the best things to ever happen to me. He makes me think and encourages me to try things I never thought of.
Now to get away from that...
I am in love with this song. It is a bit sad, and kind of depresssing but it gets me thinking in the morning. It also makes me grateful for things I have and the people in my life. I have to say a big thank you to you guys for making me want to write more here,and because of that I've decided to give you a sample of the story-thing I just started. I call it a story-thing because I don't know where I'm ending it. Its one of those things where I'm just going to write and see where it goes.
Let me know what you all think please?:

The drumming sound was easily explained by Jane’s tapping foot, but she already knew what would happen if she were to raise her hand and say it was her. She would get kicked off of the bus, and she couldn’t afford that. The driver was stopping the bus now and searching for the tapping, and when it ceased the driver became agitated and walked away mumbling a bunch of profanities.  Jane chuckled to herself. Terrorizing people was one of Jane’s favorite pastimes.  But not the terrorizing you would imagine, she never hurt anyone, and no one ever knew it was her. She was invisible to the people around her in a way. Her mousy locks brushed the man to her left and he sighed and asked if she could tie her hair up, she did. She never argued with anyone aloud, except for with her mother… but that only led to one thing.  Jane looked out of the window; she didn’t want to think of the things that upset her right now.  What were all of the things that upset her? Her mother, her looks, her invisibility… what was the purpose of thinking about this? “Never feel sorry for yourself Janey, if you do you might as well be dead,” she heard her mother’s voice and pushed it away. Not today, I’m not doing this today, she thought.
Well? I've had writer's block for a while and its the first thing the spilled out. I'm hoping to get at least that much out every week, but we will see!
Treasure Island D:<
I have to read this book and do a project on it by November 11th. Cross your fingers its going to be a ride(: 


Monday, October 24, 2011


I need a break, a mini vacation. I am so stressed out between a million papers and a million new reasons to why I can't just sit back relax and work on my peice. I worked on it for an hour or so last night but still://
Alright so right now, this is the best I have for you: My messing around on photoshop,

I will get my peice scanned in as soon as I possibly scanned, even if its a simple rough draft.(:

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I have loved this girl's art and jewelry for quite some time and now she is doing a give away. I know her better as Miri Love (she is/was on and she is giving away a $5 Starbucks gift card and one of her gold ruffle rings. To enter: Go Here!   Thank you♥ New posts this weekend kay?

Monday, October 10, 2011


Ran out of time, and I had a very bad weekend. This is my busiest week of the year. Wish me luck and I'm working on it right now!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


So, we've made it to 103 views(: thats so exciting for me. I only have probably two followers, but thats still pretty good! I never ever expected this blog to go anywhere, but you've proved me wrong♥ and for that I will be posting a super special treat for you *hopefully* by sunday(:
Thank you so much!

Friday, September 30, 2011


Okay, so I'm sorry about the post this morning. I wanted to tell you guys about my sister and how she had the robotic demon baby for an assignment. But I was too tired. So now I will(:
You know the stupid little babies you get from the school in highschool to learn what it would be like with a baby, right? Well, the school me and my sister go to are giving them out at 8th grade.. and these babies don't even work right. If the baby cries you are supposed to put a magnetic key (that they give you) in its back and it will let you feed/change/rock/burp it. This baby never beeped.. all night long my sister could not get it to stop, could not even get it to beep. So, she stuck it in the basement and let it cry all night. She'll have an F for the assignment but the house got a whole 3 hours of sleep. I guess it worked out.

Need Sleep...

I hate robot babies....

more to come on this subject later.... going to try and get some sleep.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Is it fall yet???

First of all, I want to make this known, 9-24 through 10-1 is banned books week. Pick up a book and read it, regardless if its a banned book or not. There aren't enough people who read. It gives you knowledge and helps induce ideas that you wouldn't know you could even have! Sorry, I'll stop on the lecture.
Anyway! I can't wait for it to be fall! The leaves, the pumpkins, apple cider, the scarves and jackets. And ecspecially Halloween. I don't know what I'll be for halloween but I'm soo excited.(: Till I get some sketches up.

Monday, September 12, 2011

School and Spongebob

Spongebob is bad? I never watched the show, its too much for me. But according to this study Spongebob Squarepants is bad for children. Why didn't they figure this out a long time ago? How come they're figuring this out instead of finding the cure to, you know, cancer? or AIDs?
Anyway, school is driving me crazy! I have so much homework (I should be doing that, but I need a break) Most of it is math though :/ so ICK!
I'll try to post all that I can. First performance on Saturday!

Monday, September 5, 2011

And so it begins again...

645 days until I am officially done with high school(: I really can't wait. High school has been a terrible time for me. The only thing looking up for me is the fact that my relationship is doing great. Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do today. Last day of summer, and I have nothing to do. It is weird to think 3 months  of my life is really gone that fast. Next summer I want to be able to say its been the best summer of my life. Hopefully I can get there.
Now I'm working on a short story, I'll put part of it up here later.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

School Time♥

I am so excited to get to go back to school! I know most teens break out in hives when they hear the first syllable, but I'm excited. I have Journalism this year and I really can't wait! It is so exciting that I have a chance to get a peak at a future career for myself. I don't know if I've mentioned it, I'm planning on going to the local community school for a regular degree and then I plan on going for journalism/creative writing/english. Its alot, but I love learning about our language (I'll probably pick up another language too) and everything that comes with it. When I was in kindergarten I had a reading level of 12th grade♥ Its hard to think that I'm a Junior this year. Its nice(:

Friday, August 19, 2011

I'mm Backk!

Band Camp was fun(: and no there aren't any of those "This on time at Band Camp" jokes here.
We stay on the campus of Interlochen School for the Arts in Michigan. Its beautiful:

The second one is on the theater building. After walking 9 miles a day for meals and being on our feet all the time, except for sleeping. I came home with 3 blisters, and I lost ten pounds. But I had a lot of fun.
To other things: have you ever had a friend who treats you terribly and you decide to stop being their friend, and when you tell them that they call you the terrible friend and threaten to break up your realationship? This is why I hate girls! My recently "ex-friend" (I hate calling things exes, that wasn't a romantic realationship) is still to this day staring at me and my boyfriend, and flirting with him. Before you ask, yes she does have a boyfriend, whose in college. Sorry, I had to get this off my chest:// I dumb girls, they have no idea what they are doing until theyve ruined their own lives.
More pictures next time? I took some nature shots, and a couple of pictures of my sisters room.


Monday, August 8, 2011

That radio in your head?

We all have one. It plays songs that we like, and the catchy ones we don't like. Well right now mine is stuck on repeat, on Adele's One and Only. Its a beautiful song♥ I usually like most songs. Even the ones that bring back memories I don't really want to remember. Music is a huge part of my life, I mean being in band, and a writer, doesn't leave much room to not be inspired by music.
“I love seeing Katy Perry’s boobs and bum. Love it. But that’s not what my music is about. I don’t make music for eyes. I make music for ears,” -Adele


Saturday, August 6, 2011


I made this cake two days ago, I'm extremely proud of it♥

This is from a couple of years ago, a little girls birthday party(:

Fathers day 2009

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Its 12:00, I'm on a sugar high and I have to make a teired birthday cake. How shall I do this? Stay up all night and crash tomorrow(:
I'll have to post my cake pictures tomorrow.
till then...


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So my writer's block is over! Finally(: I'm so happy, granted it took a fight with my boyfriend (I didn't plan it so don't think that) but I finally got extremely emotional and it just took over. I have no idea whether it sucks or not, but we will see(: Anyway I don't have much else to say here are some pictures from redecorating my room(:

going from a bright freaking blue to a purple is soo much better(:

♥Amor Lunae

Friday, July 29, 2011


Hi(: Yep posting everyday: didn't happen, but I remembered today! So I have a bunch of pictures I took while redong my room, sadly... a lot of them are of my cat. I'll still post what I can.
I've been getting ready for band camp and school. Its not even August first.... FML
Oh well, My objective for tomorrow: Make cupcakes, and take a picture of everything I have for camp and post it for you(:


Monday, July 18, 2011


Ahhh(: Vacation, Its the best part of the year. Ecspecially when you get to spend it with loved ones(: I went and saw Harry Potter today with my family, I loved it(: but what do you expect from a nerd like me? Next post I think I'm going to post "confessions/truths" about me. Let you get to know me better, till then...

Friday, July 15, 2011


So its friday and my weekend plans are to go to my grandmothers house. I'm only a tad bit lame(: promise.
Anyway, I probably won't be near the internet until monday, soo this is my weekend post. I have nothing to talk about today...  So pictures.


Thursday, July 14, 2011


So I figured out how to put a picture up(: I'm a little slow. I'll be putting up more pictures now that I know how to.
The one thing that I am super excited for: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2. I know its what everyone is talking about, but I mean seriously- we've watched them grow up, Daniel Radcliffe is 22 on saturday. There aren't many movies that do that.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Love, Books, and Music♥

Good Morning(: I don't know why I'm up so late/early (I haven't gone to bed yet). ♥ I love this song(: Its sung by Ariana Grande and Graham Phillips. I've been listening to this song quite a bit actually, I don't know why.
I cannot wait for Cassandra Clare's new book Clockwork Prince to come out. I love all of her books, shes my favortite author... anyway, I'm getting side-tracked(:
Pictures up tomorrow hopefully.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Rain, Rain Go away...

So its thunderstorms and 70 degrees. I am finally okay with the summer weather.
Anyway, looks like in two weeks I will be going on vacation along with redoing my room. I will post before and after pictures(: I have had the same room(nothing has changed) for 7-8 years, so I am very glad that I finally get to change it.
Now a job for you:
follow the link and add the [delete] digital drama campaign. I think its a brialliant idea, so many people I know, including my sister and me, have been victims of cyberbullying. Lets help to stop it.

♥Amor Lunae

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Garage Sales and Whatever

Today was the big park sale where my mom lives. There was some pretty cool stuff, and it made me think that I should go look at more garage sales. You never know the cool things you can find, I'd love to find an old dress thats just gorgeous. Maybe even some jewelry that someone doesn't know the real value of.
I'll be expirimenting with posting pictures in a couple days, I still don't have this all figured out... bear with me(:

♥Amor Lunae


How do you begin something? Let your personality shine through? Or keep it hidden? I'm not sure, but I'll figure it out(:
I'm Taylor, if you read my 'About Me' you'll learn that I'm in a serious relationship. You'll also learn I'm an artist of sorts. I'll probably leave you some of the peices I've created. I'm also an avid reader, I can read 500 pages in a day.
This is just the start, since its summer vacation for me I will attempt to post everyday, but no promises.

Amor Lunae♥